The focal concern of the Adruta venture is to rescue children who are abandoned or in destitution and provide an ideal ambiance and holistic nurture so that they join the social mainstream and carve out their own identity. It also provides transit accommodation to those who are restored by the Government agencies before they are restored to their guardians/parents/extended family/community. The organization undertakes the programs of rescue, rehabilitation, and restoration strictly in conformity with the norms and guidelines underlined in the Juvenile Justice Act, Government of India.
Rehabilitation and Restoration

Adoption and Alternative Care
As per the provisions under Juvenile Justice Act, the children who are abandoned/surrendered/ parentless have a right to the family in form of adoption by prospective parents, individual foster care, or group foster care. On recommendation by the Child Welfare Committee, the organization participates in the process of in-country or inter-country adoption through linkage with the Special Adoption Agency of the concerned district. Of late, Adruta Children Home (Angul Chapter) has been declared as the Special Adoption Agency ( SAA) virtue of which it can send the children in adoption as per the guidelines of Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), Govt. of India and State Adoption Resource Agency (SARA), Govt. of Odisha. Adruta Children Home, (Bhubaneswar chapter) is all set to request the Government of Odisha to be declared as a Group Foster Care Home whereby it can nurture the children who are declared legally free for adoption by Child Welfare Committee under the provision of Group foster care.
Life-Skill Training
Each child is born with a unique disposition and ability to achieve. The organization provides a conducive environment for every child to pursue areas of extracurricular interest over and above the academic pursuits. The children have imparted training in Art, Music, Dance, Sports, Soft-toy making, Food processing, and ancillary training in self-defense. The Art Gallery containing the sand painting, paddy painting, oil painting, pattachitra, tribal art, pot paintings bear eloquent testimony to the height of excellence of the budding talents in Fine art. Children inclined to vocal music learn Odissi vocal and Hindustani vocal under the tutelage of experts in the field. The senior artists of Adruta have already proved their worth in classical Odissi Dance and Folk Dance forms of Odisha through their performance in the prestigious festivals in India and overseas performance in Singapore, Malaysia, Bali, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Bay Area (San Francisco) and Houston. The playroom on the third floor of Adruta at Bhagabatipur, Bhubaneswar is a living testimony to the expertise of the children in soft-toy making. Since the children are not given old garments the Vocational Training Centre prepares garments for all the children across the State and is a source income generation through the sale of garments made by caretakers and elderly children during their leisure hours. The children have earned coveted expertise in tailoring and embroidery.

Infant Care
Over the last decade, the organization has developed the expertise to nurture infants. The children abandoned at public places, destitute children, and children of unwed mothers are rescued and are nurtured under the loving care of matrons/caretakers. The organization makes all-out efforts to provide a family environment and parental care through house mothers who have a rare sense of commitment and identification with the cause of the children. Since it is a community-driven project many of our patrons prefer to solemnize the birthday of their children with inmates of Children Home. Collective dinning on this occasion gives the children a clear feeling of being part of a larger family. Meticulous care is taken so that they do not feel marginalized or different from other children. They are not given used garments. They put on new garments on festive occasions. In-house dining is organized to make them feel the fervor of festivity. In order to give them wider exposure, they visit places of tourist interest and entertainment during vacation. Collective Birthday is held on Shravani Purnima. This festive occasion is celebrated with great fervor and gaiety by the inmates and functionaries of Adruta.
The children are helped to cultivate a sense of personal discipline through meditational practices in the early hours of morning and evening and are helped to imbibe values through educative discourses every Sunday by experts in the field. Children grow with the habit of self-help in the ambiance of sharing and caring. The benefits of positive counseling are available for children on a regular basis not only by the house mothers but also by visiting counselors.
The children have access to the best educational institutions in the locality. Beyond school hours they are helped by tutors who ensure their academic excellence. The children are helped to commute to their school through pick-ups along with an escort. During leisure hours they are trained in Fine Art, Music, and Dance by artists with expertise in the field suiting to their native inclination. Children having a keen interest in games and sports get ample opportunity to cultivate their ability through the facilities of indoor and outdoor games. As a result, most of the children not only have a bright academic record but have proved their talent in national and international events. Over and above their academic excellence children are seen as exemplars of values by their friends and teachers.

Best of available healthcare facilities are provided through a tie-up with hospitals, nursing homes, and individual doctors visit the home from time to time. Every child enjoys insurance cover to the tune of Rs.30,000/-. Health check-up camps are held at regular intervals by specialists who render free services for the children.
Vocational Training
Training in tailoring and embroidery is available under the able guidance of an in-house seamstress. Vocational skills are imparted to relatively elder children and caretakers in soft toy making, food processing, and knitting by experts in the field. Children pursuing Fine Art, make Oil painting, Sand Art, Paddy painting, Pencil sketch which are put on sale from time to time prepare hand-made New Year Cards.