RAWA Academy

RAWA Academy came into existence in the year 1992 and is registered under the Society Registration Act, 1860 bearing the Registration No._____ with its accredited area of operation in the state of Odisha. RAWA is an acronym for Renaissance Artists and Writers’ Association. It is a global movement inaugurated by Sri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the seer philosopher of the 20th century, to bring about a renaissance in three strata of human existence i.e. physical, psychic and spiritual.

“Art not for art’s sake, art for service and blessedness” is the motto and credo of the venture across the world. A piece of literature, music, art, sculpture, drama, or dance is worth the name and worthwhile pursuit, if and only if it uplifts the propensities that are noble and latent. RAWA Academy, Odisha seeks to promote the ideas and ideals of RAWA (global) through the dissemination of values by promoting classical forms of Art, Music, and Dance. It imparts training in different fields of art, Music, and Dance under the tutelage of experts leading to the degree of B.Mus (Bachelor of Music). The Academy is affiliated to AMGMV Mandal, Mumbai, and Pracheena Kala Kendra, Chandigarh. It is an approved nodal center to conduct examinations for the degree of B.Mus. As part of its avowed objectives, it organizes Art exhibitions on festive occasions in public places. Besides, Nrutya Vichitra, Sangeet Vichitra, Poets Meet, classical concerts are organized at regular intervals to provide a forum to young and budding talents to cultivate their native knack and potentiality. The artists of RAWA Academy have scaled heights of excellence in their respective fields.