Adruta Children Home (A Unit of RAWA Academy) has been doing pioneering work in the field of rehabilitation of the children in need of care & protection since 1998 through institutional care & services.
Provide home, hope & conducive ambiance to the hapless children to grow into excellence and be a part of the mainstream society.
Become center of excellence in providing holistic nurture (physical, psychic & spiritual) to the children in deprivation & distress.

”Every child is uniquely endowed. The optimal expression of the latent potentiality can be ensured through conducive nurture. Millions of children court neglect, deprivation and destitution. Let us join hands to make a difference to those who await our empathetic care and loving pat.
Prof. Dr. Aditya Kumar MohantyFounder Chairman
Core Concerns

Meditation makes the mind composed, concentrated, enhancing its capacity for reflection, memory, and imagination.

True education ensures the trifarious development of Body, Mind, and Spirit.

The practice of classical dance promotes postural refinement, spiritual ideation, helping one transmute aesthetic pleasure to supra aesthetic ecstasy.

Yogic exercises tone up the glands, thereby ensure balanced secretion of hormones, making the body congenial for psycho-spiritual practices.

Vocational skills help one go a long way on the road to Self-reliance.

Every expression in the universe is pulsative or rhythmic. Music attunes the entitative rhythm with the cosmic rhythm.

Mastering life-skills ensures a healthy, self-protective, sportive living.

More than being physical in nature, games, and sports afford constructive diversions, keeping body and mind sound and healthy.
What Children Say
Your Impression Our Inspiration
Stories of Change
When three months old, he lost his mother. Father is a wage earner. Fostered by widow grandmother, he developed a severe infection in his eyes. Due to crass poverty and utter ignorance father and grandmother treat him by a village quack. Eventually, he is taken to the doctor when he is found to have almost lost his eyesight. In agony and disgust, the father attempts to kill the boy who is rescued by the villagers and restored to Adruta Children Home through the District Child Welfare Committee, Angul, Odisha.
Born to a blind beggar maid she is restored to Adruta after the death of her mother by some well-meaning ladies around. After three years of stay at Adruta, she evinces the possibility of pursuing a bright academic career and the virtues to grow into an ideal human-being.
While in the womb her mother grows insane. Deserted by the family she moves around and delivered the child by the roadside in public view. Mother is restored to Swadhar (Asylum for women who are differently challenged) and the child is restored to Adruta Children Home. Now one year old, she exhibits the potentiality to grow into a multifaceted woman.
The cowherd boy tending cows on the embankment of a river notices a woman throwing a polythene bag on the river bed and escaping a motorbike with a man waiting at a distance. Out of curiosity, he opens the polythene bag to find a newly born female babe inside, strangulated with a rope. After a while, the villagers congregated and restored her at Adruta Children Home. Visibly with no sign of life, she is taken to hospital for death certificate so that her last rites could be done. The doctor says “She is in a deep coma, not really dead”. She is put in the neonatal ICU with a life support system, regains consciousness after fourteen days. Now, she is a student of Class-III. One day, the Principal calls the Superintendent to talk in camera “your child has secured the first position in the final examination as well in all the events of extracurricular competitions. If she gets the prize in every item it is likely to dampen. Can we make little changes in her position with your knowledge and consent?” The Superintendent nods in the affirmative saying, ‘No issue at all, she has long years ahead to find her distinctive identity’.
A twelve-year-old girl is abducted and raped in the night when she along with her friends were on their way to the village festival. On back home, completely traumatized and the parents keep it a guarded secret, lest it would mar her prospects of marriage in future. But to the utter shock of the parents, the child was found to be in the family way. Parents are keen to terminate the pregnancy. But the doctor says, “she is so frail and emaciated. She cannot perhaps stand the risk of termination. It is better that she delivers the child after the normal gestation”. The child is taken to a distant place, spends the rest of the gestation period with her uncle and aunt incognito. Later she is brought to a nursing home, made to deliver the child at midnight. Immediately after, she is taken back home. The child weighing hardly 900gms lies unclaimed. On getting the information, Adruta functionaries rush to the nursing home and restore the child in a hospital. She has black tears, is affected by jaundice. On being relatively stable she joins Adruta after thirty-one days. She has grown now to a compassionate child, a cynosure of all her fellow mates and teachers in the school. Her intelligence, presence of mind, and extent of empathy is extraordinary.
Born in a slum when hardly six months old, her father deserts the mother and stays with another woman. When hardly one year old, she is left behind by her mother who prefers to live with another man. For a few days she is left under the foster care of a women group in the slum who thought it wise to restore her custody under the loving care of Adruta.
Born to an unwed mother, she was found deserted and unclaimed on the roadside and was rescued in the early hours of the day by morning walkers in a highly traumatized state. On restoration in the Adruta Children Home, she was admitted to a private hospital. The sincere effort of the physicians and protective care of the functionaries helped her to recover. She is a precocious child and evinces the potentiality to have an eventful life ahead.
She is restored to Adruta Children Home, too very sick and emaciated. Though two years old, she looked like a few months old infants due to prolonged sickness, lack of care, and treatment. With the protective nurture of the caretakers of Adruta, she is fast recovering but there is the need for long run care and treatment.
A woman living in a slum restores her daughter at Adruta Children Home expressing her inability to feed four children after the death of her husband. A six-year-old child has risen to prominence as a dancer in the national level and has traveled overseas as part of the Adruta dance troupe. Often she recounts her past; “brothers and sisters, we were four. Our mother could hardly provide us square meals a day, with the pittance she used to earn as a maid in different households. I remember, one day she came back very late in the afternoon attending to guests in her place of work. In the feat of hunger, I took small stones without knowing that they would not satiate my hunger.
When he was two years old, his mother was murdered by his father who got life imprisonment for such heinous crime. The child was restored to Adruta. As a student, he is far ahead of his fellow mates in the school and cynosure of his teachers and friends in the school. Besides being extraordinarily intelligent he has an uncommon artistic sense.
From the desk of the Chairman
Partners in Service

Adruta at a Glance
Adruta Children Home (A unit of RAWA Academy) has been doing pioneering work in the field of rehabilitation of the deserted, unclaimed, parentless and destitute children since 1998. Our objective is not only to ensure healthy upkeep of the children but to provide proper education for their psychic nurture.